The Knittin' Kitten (and crochetin' kitten too)

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy 4th!!!

Well, I'm happy to report that I finished one of my knitted wraps this morning! So thats two FO's in a couple of days....I'm on a roll! And both just happen to be for the same person....I'm sensing some sort of vibe coming from that direction I think.

Other than that, just a slow, lazy day here. Hubby is working outside and I've been inside crocheting - hoping to get yet another project finished. But then I started watching "For The Boys" with Bette Midler and the crocheting stopped. Its not a project I can do while watching tv. I need to concentrate on it, so watching a movie I've never seen before wasn't the best move. I asked DH to put my XM Radio in my car (that I got for Christmas and STILL isn't installed) and he said he had 1000 other things to do. Oh well. Guess I'm 1001, which isn't new. My b-i-l offered to install it so I guess I'll have to take him up on it or do it myself.

Its starting to thunder so I'm guessing our little BBQ won't be for a while yet.


  • At 7/05/2006 12:31 PM, Blogger AR said…

    Sounds like a nice day, crafts, movies, and bbq. I like slow lazy days, and thunderstorms.


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