Can this be right?
Since I bought so much yarn last week, I decided to donate some of my older stash to make some room to store the new stuff. So I packed up 3 huge shopping bags and drove off to the nursing home in town. When I brought the bags in, one of the women at the reception desk comes over and says to me "Oh, I get so excited when someone brings in yarn". Ok....Didn't think much of this. Then I told her that there were some scraps for craft projects but others had full skeins, probably enough for a baby blanket or baby sweater. Her response was "Ooohhhh, just what I like to make". Ok, now is it me, or does it sound like she's going to raid the bags before the residents get it? As I was walking out of the building, I heard this woman say to someone, "now I'll have to sharpen up my crochet hook", which is scary since I don't know of anyone who does this....maybe its an old ritual of some sort. (just kidding...I know she was just making a "funny" that really wasn't)
Seems to me that the residents aren't going to see much of this yarn and I doubt there is anything I can do about it. There is no way to prove she took it, let alone if anyone else took some too. I was going to ask the sister at our church to find out for me but I don't know if she'd be agreeable to subterfuge.
Speaking of our church, I stopped by the church office today to drop something off. As I get to the door, the door opens by itself, very slowly. Scared the living crap out of me! Now normally, you have to ring the doorbell to get into the office, so the door opening by itself was strange enough. So of course, I'm walking in waiting for something to happen and all I hear is laughter from the 5 or 6 people inside. I look behind the door, and its no other than our priest! Fr. Sig did it on purpose!!!! He said "you should have seen you jump"! I guess I should add that I couldn't see anything thru the door window, but they obviously saw me.
Nothing like being the butt of a practical joke of a priest to make you humble. Plus, this is only like the third time I've met the man....gotta love 'em!